Poem Stellium

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Poem Stellium is a superb blog which encourages people to express their mental health experiences ( or as an observer of others experiences), in creative forms such as poetry, short stories and blogging. So in August I reached out to Poem Stellium with my piece I had written about my experience of OCD. Very shortly after It was accepted as a guest blogger piece. But my journey didn’t start there. Earlier in the year in May I entered a competition for their Mental Health awareness week and got chosen as one of the lucky winners to be published. My first ever piece of poetry that I got published ( big moment so I owe a great deal of gratitude to the Journal. Click here to read the blog article and here to read my poem (and while you’re there I’d recommend having a look through some of others people’s work on there, you may just find you learn something new around the stigma’s of mental health.

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