Why I Write Free Verse

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Despite having knowledge of techniques in poetry ( yes surprisingly poetry does have theory behind it) , I’m not someone who really experiments much  with form and metre myself. If I’m honest I actually prefer writing in free verse. No boundaries to confine the words and let my creative juices flow naturally.  That’s not to say it’s not something I will occasionally dive into nor that I don’t enjoy poetry that applies these skills; however I believe at the heart of poetry is the storytelling. Can the words move me and transport me into a different world other than my own. Can I relate to the words on the page and find a connection to the poet’s story? This for me is the essence of poetry. Personally I see no point in applying such techniques if those words when read or spoken to me do not impact me and stir something within me. If a poem applies a strict iambic pentameter or is written in beautiful ballad form and it gives me the reaction I am looking for then I take my hat off to the author. However I am not going to place all my focus on these things myself If I cannot be certain that those words using a particular form/metre would have the impact I am looking for. Some poetry lovers would absolutely disagree and maybe even say I’m clearly not the next Shakespeare, Keats or Thomas. That is true, I couldn’t possibly create the same magic Dylan Thomas did (there’s a reason he is my poetry hero). That being said Sylvia Plath, Walt Whitman and the Beat Generation had no issue finding their audience. Whether you love it or hate these opinions, just enjoy it for what my work is. A story.

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