Go For It! Some Hits… All The Misses: Written and Illustrated by The Part-Time Secret

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Something has arrived, something I have been waiting for since my interview several months ago with Liam and hoping it would arrive sooner rather than later; his debut collection. When I first discovered Liam’s work; I was surprised he hadn’t gotten a publishing deal yet. Liam has a decent following on instagram where he posts a lot of his work, and is a regular fixture on the north of England’s spoken word scene. However I so desperately wanted to see his work in print and own a copy for my bookshelf. So when he announced he was going to take the leap, I naturally was thrilled. I really didn’t expect the quick turnaround in which it all happened though.

Consisting of a blend of short ,long, simple, silly and thought provoking poems; Liam’s debut collection is full of character. Liam’s style isn’t bringing poetry theory perfectly together, and creating poems that are technically complex. Combining his love of drawing with the love of words, each piece draws his audience into the strengths of each page. Some stories are told through one medium more than the other, but both complement each other as finely as wine complements a cheese board . The illustrations bring the characters to life ( along with a few random doodles), it’s half the magic. A compilation of already featured ones from his instagram and never seen before; this collection isn’t Keats. So if Keat’s is what you’re looking for, this collection really isn’t for you. But if you’re looking for fun, imaginative, naughty, bizarre and wonderfully bonkers, then go and buy this collection.

Some of my favourite’s are:

Why is Wally Hiding?

Saving Ryan’s Privates

Watch Out He’s a Sexless Maniac

All Inclusive Tits

The Queue

No Shit Sherlock

The National Trust

Buy your copy of Liam’s debut collection here.

© Megan Layley