3 Poems by 3 Poets #May 24

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This month’s 3 poems are inspired by the holiday to Ibiza I recently returned from.

The first choice is; The Vacation by Wendell Berry.

Wendell Berry is one of my favourite poets, his Sabbath poems remind me to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures nature offers. This poem to me speaks volumes of how sometimes we focus so much on taking holiday photos to remember our time away, that we forget to actually live it.

At the Sea-Side by Robert Louis Stevenson

I love the simplicity of this poem. It could be read as a literal description of digging holes in the sand at the beach, or read as an extended metaphor for something more thought provoking.

The Church upon the Hill by John O’Brien

I have chosen this one, as one of the highlights of my break away was walking up to the church in Santa Eulalia ( the town we stayed in). The church was on top of a hill, which from that hill you had a viewpoint of the whole town. The architecture outside and inside was simple but beautiful. One of my goals for the holiday was to feel at peace (even if temporarily) with everything that had gone on in 2023. Not surprisingly , I felt it at the top of that hill.

© Megan Layley