Update June 24

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So things have been fairly quiet recently on the writing front. I have only managed to complete 1 poem from start to finish and re-edited another couple in the last 2 months; so definitely a period of writers block. In terms of submissions, I have had a few rejections come through, and as of today; one acceptance. I will post an update with details when I know the release date. I am working on June’s 3 poems by 3 poets segment, so that will be with you within the next week. The British summer is “supposed” to be arriving soon and this year I have caught the gardening bug. With my husband and I having started our own mini veg patch, I have my fingers crossed some inspiration may come along with that new project. However at the very least, it will have provided a small harvest and endless therapeutic benefits. Thank you as always for reading.

(c) Megan Layley

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